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Rules for Financial Success

For most of us, some phase of growth is the stage we’re in. Growth is the phase of accumulation, positioning, cash flow, savings, making short & long-term decisions. This is where your financial model is used the most. Each decision you make has a ripple effect in this phase, so it helps to have some rules to use as guidelines.

Ideally, achieving financial balance should be your first goal. This can be done by adhering to simple rules that ready you for growth:

  1. Annual Savings (15-20% of gross income)
  2. Short-term Liquidity (3-6 months of cash, 6-12 months of near-liquid assets)
  3. Short-term Debt (ZERO)

The Rules

RULE: Become a first class saver by saving 15%-20% of your income annually. This is one of the most important ingredients to reaching your full financial potential. If you can’t do this, then everything else has to work that much harder. It puts additional pressure on all other aspects of your financial life, including a greater likelihood of failure! What is standing in the way of your saving this amount? Write it down. Figure out how to overcome these obstacles so you can reach your full financial potential. Hint: Remember, your financial model can help you find lost opportunity. You can recapture those dollars, and add that to your savings.

RULE: You should always have at 3-6 months of cold hard cash on hand. It would even be wise to have 6-12 months of near-cash (i.e. short-term bonds) that are easily accessible as well. A cash cushion provides multiple benefits, such as giving you the ability to increase your insurance deductibles and lower your premium payments. It gives you peace of mind knowing that whatever short-term obstacle (accident, fire, job loss, illness) may pop up that you can easily handle it without having to go into debt. Plus, you have the ability to capitalize on an opportunity that may present itself, take a trip, make a substantial purchase (whether it be something you need or simply want) and more.

Cash can also make you a happier person in general. In Jonathan Clements’ book, How to Think About Money, his research found that those with cash on hand – and in the bank – were much happier than those without any or with small amounts.

HELPFUL TIP: Opt out of your 401(k) until you have built up your short-term liquidity! Take care of today first and you will be better equipped to take care of tomorrow. Statistics show that 28% of all 401ks have loans against them, and it’s because this liquidity bucket is neglected or never filled to being with.

Understanding the 401(k)

401(k) Traps:

  • 10% penalty if you withdraw before 59 ½
  • Taxed as ordinary income
  • Limited investment options
  • Must withdraw a portion at 70 ½ or suffer a penalty
  • Match can go away
  • Can create double taxation
  • Can’t use it to pay for other life events
  • Typically use more expensive mutual funds

Are all 401(k)s bad? NO! If your company has one and they provide a company match, you should at least participate to the point of the match. But not until after you have sufficient liquidity. Discuss this with your personal advisor.

RULE: Short-term debt should be zero. Period. Liabilities are what hold most people back. Short-term debt negates any future profits on your balance sheet. For example, $19,200 debt x 5% interest (lost opportunity) = $253,570 in 10 years. In 20 years, it’s upwards of $666,000.  

Two of the most common short-term expenses among our clients are automobiles and credit cards. Cars depreciate 50% after the first three years on average. Look for used cars with low mileage that you can drive for a long time. You can often find a used car that is 25% cheaper than a new car. So if you must carry auto debt, then do it smarter.

Credit card debt can wreak havoc on your financial life. Interest rates average around 15%. That’s extremely high! This is exactly why Rule 3 is so important. If you have adequate liquidity not only can you pay off your credit cards every month, but you can limit what you charge on them since you have the ability to pay for things in cash. Think of it this way – if you have credit card debt carrying 15% interest, every dollar you don’t completely pay off costs you $0.15 each year. While there are always special circumstances, a good general rule of thumb to live by is if you can’t pay for it in cash, you probably can’t afford it.

You may need to slow down short-term debt payments in order to build liquidity and get protection in place first. You may even need to restructure your debt. But it is critical that you follow this order to provide relief, reduce stress, and build the foundation for growth.

LIFE HACK: if you are saving 15-20% of your gross income then short-term debt may just become part of your lifestyle burn rate.

While we’re on the subject of debt, we need to briefly discuss mortgages. Even though a mortgage isn’t considered short-term debt, it is a guaranteed debt that almost everyone will have to experience. Your mortgage payment should not exceed 15% of your gross income. My father used to tell me to buy as much house as you can afford. Back in the day, and still, people saw their house as an investment. However, what we do know is that real estate can and does decline in value. We also know that you can’t eat your house, it doesn’t produce income, and has multiple expenses (maintenance, taxes, updates, etc.). Any equity in your home is semi-restricted and you may not be able to access it when you need it most. Therefore, your mortgage payment should be part of your lifestyle burn rate, not your savings.

What do you do if your payment exceeds this number? First, ask yourself if the payment is preventing you from saving 15-20% of your gross income. If not, then consider it part of your lifestyle and know you may have to limit yourself in other areas. If so, then you could consider refinancing, selling, or maybe you just have to stay put.

Learn how to apply these simple financial rules to a model you WILL succeed with:

Wealth Eroding Factors in Retirement 

You think once you get to retirement its easy living, smooth sailing, you’ve made it, right? Don’t think so fast. There are a whole set of new factors trying to eat at your wealth. Here are a few you may have to deal with:

Eroding Factors in Retirement

There are six eroding factors that will specifically affect your retirement:  

Duration of Retirement: How long do you anticipate your retirement lasting? You may retire at 55 or 73 and that makes a big difference. How long you plan on pulling from your assets impacts how much you can take and how much you need to save.  Plus, people are living much longer so you may have to stretch your retirement dollars to age 100 or beyond.  

Distribution Rate: A recent study by Merrill Lynch surveyed wealthy individuals and 20% of individuals did not know what distribution rate would enable them to sustain their wealth indefinitely. Nearly a quarter thought that a 10% distribution rate was reasonable and would last forever. Only about 1/6 had a more realistic distribution rate of 3% or lower. Most financial institutions site a 4% or lower safe withdrawal rate in order to have the best chance of sustaining your wealth.  This really impacts how you invest both now and into retirement.  

Children and Grandchildren: Having children and grandchildren is a wonderful thing. I have three children and they are the absolute joys of my life. As they get older, they get more expensive. Even when you enter your retirement years they can be a financial drain. It’s not that you won’t happily help them but you need to make that part of your financial model. How will you handle it should it happen?   

A friend of mine had to adopt his daughter’s two young children just as he was entering retirement. That’s a significant financial commitment that is affecting his retirement. You don’t know what will happen with your children, grandchildren, or spouse. Stress test it with your financial model so that if it happens you won’t be financially devastated.   

Legacy: Also, consider what you want to leave behind. What is your legacy? This is an area you really need to search inside yourself to figure out. Each person is different – money for the children, a charity, a cause, or nothing (spend it all). There’s no right answer, it’s just what you want to do. But it’s definitely part of your financial life.  

Risk: While risk is an issue throughout your life, it becomes more pronounced when 1) you are older and approaching your retirement years, and 2) when you have a lot at risk. Our entire approach is about risk management for your entire financial life, no matter how old you are. From protecting your assets (which includes you), to your investments, to maintaining financial balance.   

If you’ve done all that we’ve suggested to this point then you are probably good to go. However, you may need to look at tilting your investment style more conservatively, or reallocating to allow for more income. Or making sure your strategy has downside risk protection that allows you to be in equities for a longer period even well into retirement. Have uncorrelated buckets of money is critical as well. 

For investments, one of your biggest risks is sequence of return risk. That’s the risk of your investments being caught in a downturn at a critical time when you need them most. For example, what happens if the market crashes when you are 67 and retired? What about when you are 70 or 75? This is where having a defined investment policy statement and buckets of “cash” will allow you to weather the storms you may encounter. See the section on a strong financial position later in this booklet.  

Communication: This is a critical area that most people don’t even consider. Your loved ones should know where your most important financial information lies. Introduce whoever may be taking over your estate, not matter how small it may/may not be, to your financial advisor(s). Let them know your plans, wishes, goals for your assets. It seems a bit morbid for some people but it’s a critical conversation to have and to maintain as you get older. Communication plays a role in planning your legacy as well. It’s not enough to state your wishes out loud. You need to put them on paper and protect them by communicating your wishes through a will or a trust.

Get Started

There are many other areas to consider but most people ignore these. If you need help designing your plan for retirement or just a second look, we’re happy to help. Jumpstart YOUR knowledge of all the major wealth eroding factors by downloading our free ebook today:

How a Healthy Lifestyle Affects Your Financial Future

As financial consultants, we spend a lot of time focused on the health of your financial accounts. We take deep looks at your rates of return, cash flow, investment mix, and more to determine the ideal financial model for building your life. But we don’t often talk about your physical health, something that can have a huge impact on your financial future.

As the US has found itself in the midst of an obesity epidemic, skyrocketing health care costs, and uncertainty surrounding how to solve these issues, it is more important than ever that you take care of your physical health. Not only will this help you live longer, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle can mean a huge difference in your net worth and financial legacy.

Poor Health Can Cost You More Than $150K+ Over a Lifetime

Read that heading again. We aren’t referring solely to the costs of healthcare here. A National Bureau of Economic Research paper published in 2017 found that the average difference in net worth between a healthy 65-year-old man and an unhealthy 65-year-old man to be over $150,000. They also found that workers who led unhealthy lifestyles for more than 16 years lost approximately $4,000 in annual wages.

Think of the lost opportunity to make smarter investments! Imagine how you could grow your nest egg with the savings from fewer visits to the doctor’s office. Being more active contributes to the confidence necessary to compete for and win business opportunities that can increase your cash flow and your lifestyle. Taking time to maintain and improve your physical health can transform your present as well as your financial future. Some steps you can take to begin that transformation include.

  • Eliminate Vices for Better Cash Flow – We all fall prey to vices sometimes. If your weakness is for smoking, alcohol, fast food, or sweets, reducing or eliminating that habit can have a twofold effect on the trajectory of your life. Not only will you have cost savings from going without, but your body’s health will improve as well. That discipline can go a long way in saving you the costs of medical treatment and expensive habits.
  • Investing in Healthy Food OptionsEating healthily can be intimidating – not only is there the initial cash outlay of buying better produce and ingredients, but also the labor of shopping, preparing, and cooking the meals. However, eating healthier foods keeps you fuller longer due to better, more plentiful nutrients. There are numerous free recipe websites and how-to videos online to help you make healthy choices easier to make as well. And while it will take some time to get used to, once you’ve detoxed from processed junk foods you will feel better eating these healthy options.
  • Alternative Transport OptionsCommuting is a necessary evil in life. If you live close to your workplace, have you considered walking, jogging, or cycling to work? These options all save you money by reducing fuel and maintenance costs on your personal vehicle while pulling double-duty to help you get a little hidden exercise in your day. Sometimes this can help reduce insurance costs for your personal vehicle too, if your policy is based on an average annual mileage.

It’s not always easy to make these disciplined, healthy choices, but it’s worth it. Take some time to figure out how you can fit some healthier decisions into your daily life to help put a little juice behind your financial model.

While we aren’t certified personal trainers, we are qualified to take a look at your financial path for the future. Interested in improving your current financial situation and living the live you want today? Complete this questionnaire to get started!

Uncertain Futures and the Importance of an Abundance Mindset

Turbulent times in the world can magnify troubles and make them seem even larger than they are. Whether investment woes, unexpected bills, or uncertainty in a career, these problems can dominate your mindspace and keep you trapped in a vicious cycle of pain and fear. These problems can seem even bigger in times of rapid change and uncertainty.

We’ve written at length about abundance mindsets and how to cultivate them. It’s time to reiterate and clarify what a mindset of abundance is and isn’t. There’s a lot of misinformation available online designed to get your clicks and attention. We wrote this article to help clear up what an abundance mindset is, why it matters, and how to apply it to your life in times of uncertainty and strife.

What an Abundance Mindset Isn’t

An abundance mindset is not an expectation that things will turn out okay on their own or that prosperity will fall into your lap. It is not complacency, laziness, or blind acceptance. Too many people jumping on the bandwagon of abundance seem to believe that it means the world will provide success, regardless of effort and commitment. And that just isn’t true.

If you’ve heard the old adage “God helps those who help themselves,” you’re on a good track to understanding the mindset of abundance. An abundance mindset means knowing that there is enough out there for you to live your best life and to provide for your loved ones and your dreams. Just because abundance is available, though, it doesn’t mean it will just come to you. You have to go chase that success and work for it. It is only through hard work, discipline, and resilience that we can access the abundance the world has available. By committing to the correct, repeatable behaviors, we can tap into that flow of abundance and reach a better life. But it’s not a handout – the world requires you to work for and earn the lifestyle you are trying to achieve.

Why an Abundance Mindset is So Important

The opposite of an abundance mindset is one of scarcity. A scarcity mindset says that you have to jealously protect what you have in that moment because it is yours and the world may come take it away. It says that this current salary, investment, job, or lifestyle is the best and only one available and I cannot move away from it. It’s a fear-motivated way of thinking that can derail even the strongest financial model.

If you operate from a place of abundance, you know that there are always alternative solutions and methods available to hit your goals and achieve the life you want. Whereas a scarcity mindset says “don’t look for a better investment mix, a 4% return is steady and good,” an abundance mindset knows that exploring a different mix can help you hack your future and achieve a greater, sustainable growth. Abundance knows that the opportunity for greatness is out there, so long as you do the work and research to earn it.

How To Commit to a Mindset of Abundance

To build an abundance mindset, you need to change your relationship with money. Many people suffering from a scarcity mindset have an overly emotional relationship to their money. You need to accept that money is a tool, a means to an end, and a way to help you achieve your best life. Don’t play fast and loose with your decision-making, but be patient and determined. Move with confidence and do the day-in and day-out work needed to commit to a financial lifestyle today that enables the lifestyle  you want to live in the future.

It’s an ever-changing journey, but building a lifestyle committed to abundance can create great change for you and your loved ones. We can help you build the right financial model to get there.

Are you interested in radically improving your financial mindset and building a brigh financial future? Complete this questionnaire today and start working with our world-class team of advisors.

Unique Challenges in Wealth-Building for Physicians

Doctors are frequent subjects for television, books, and other forms of cultural reflection. They’ve been glamorized and satirized and held in great esteem. They’re trusted advisors and spokespeople for improving health. Along with all of this acclaim comes one of the highest salaries in America- averaging just under $300,000 in 2017.

There’s more to a physician’s life than respect and a paycheck, though.

High patient loads. Long hours. Paperwork. Lengthy reimbursement processes. Conference attendance. High debt levels from medical school. A physician’s work can be incredibly stressful for their body, mind, and bank account balance. Doctors face many of the same challenges as your average professional, as well as some unique hurdles to building a wealthy, healthy life and financial future.

Student Debt

The debt carried by Americans in the form of student loans is becoming a national crisis. While the average college graduate has $37,000 in loans, a new physician averages $190,000 in debt, according to the American Medical Association in 2017. These huge amounts can make payment plans and managing income seem insurmountable. Depending on a physician’s specialty, they can expect that average salary to be far lower. Couple high payments with associated necessities (such as malpractice insurance) and doctors face some very big obstacles. As in all cases, though, the right financial model can help you build positive momentum and push past those high debt loads. It just takes the right planning and commitment.

Disability Risks

Physicians depends on their bodies and their minds to secure their livelihoods. Should you become injured and unable to work for a time, it can be devastating to your practice and your income. Add that to high debt loads and required monthly payments and it can spell disaster for your personal finance. Doctors should carefully explore disability insurance options to make sure that their entire life value is covered in case of an extreme injury. As always, weigh your options and pay special attention to the elimination period (the span of time you must wait before receiving payments from the policy.)

Stress and Burnout

It’s not just the risk of being injured on the job that physicians have to contend with. Healthcare workers are under incredible stress due to the nature of their work. It is often filled with the highest highs and lowest lows of patients’ lives. That stress can cause severe burnout for those workers who struggle with the demands of the job and the impacts on their everyday life. Rates of depression, burnout, and other psychological issues are prevalent in healthcare professionals, making the right mindset even more important and difficult to attain. Practicing self-care, seeking balance, and focusing on gratitude and abundance mindsets can help, particularly when pushing against these huge peaks of stress and demands on your time and attention.

Luckily, you don’t have to be alone in managing the financial side of things. JarredBunch is ready to be your partner in alleviating the financial stresses of this life. Our experience in building effective, proven financial models and guiding our clients towards financial independence and prosperity can help ease your mind and keep you focused on the work only you can do for your patients, your loved ones, and yourself.

Complete this questionnaire to get the conversation started – we’re ready to help you.

How Do the Wealthiest Invest?

In our series on growing your wealth we’ve discussed healthy behaviors for priming your finances for growth, how to write a personal investing statements, and how to avoid unhealthy ways of thinking about investments. These are all essential for growing your finances in a way that serves your life. It is equally important that we have positive role models to study and look up to.

Unfortunately we can’t all be the Oracle of Omaha, but we can learn from behaviors of some of the wealthiest investors in the US. A recent study completed by U.S. Trust of nearly 700 high net worth investors (investable assets exceeding $3 million) found the following:

Wealthy Investing Behaviors

  1. Wealthy investors maintain a fairly high amount of account liquidity. More than half of the surveyed investors keep their liquidity high so that can take full advantage of an opportunity when it becomes available. This is not out of fear or caution, but a strategic decision to keep reserves ready to move quickly. How many channels of your portfolio could be easily liquidated and put to use?
  2. Large cash positions are a common portfolio feature. To further demonstrate the importance of multiple liquidity access points, 60% of surveyed investors have at least 10% of their portfolio in cash. This isn’t a conservative move, but a decisive and strategic commitment to be ready for the future. What percentage of your personal finance is held in cold hard cash?
  3. Long-term goals are more important than short-term growth. Wealthy investors are willing to forego short-term, rapid gains in favor of risk mitigation and steady growth over time. They know that the long-term is what will sustain them over time, and they focus their discipline accordingly.
  4. Mitigating tax burdens is a priority. More than half of those surveyed emphasized the importance of minimized the impact of taxes on their investments. This rated above pursuing higher returns. Wealthy investors are largely focused on their net pay, rather than the gross before taxes. Managing this burden is key for success. Do you know the tax rate for all of your assets?
  5. Tangible assets are important. Almost half of the surveyed individuals have invested in some sort of tangible asset, such as real estate. These can produce passive income and grow in value over time, offering growth and a revenue stream. Do you have secondary income sources?
  6. Credit can be used for good. Nearly 65% of surveyed investors agree that credit can be used to build wealth strategically. While their knowledge is powerful, it is important to note the risk associated here. Consider using credit cards for spending you already planned on doing (so long as you pay them off weekly) or increase your payments on low interest mortgages or student loans to save on interest. This will free up more long-term cash to invest.
  7. Consider the impact of your investments. Beyond your own finances, your investments can affect society and the world. Many mutual funds and ETFs present opportunities to invest your money in companies based on their social values and impacts on society or the Earth as a whole. Many wealthy investors perceive socially responsible companies as being less risky to invest in. What social values and impacts do you want to support through your investments?

Ready to join the ranks of wealthy investors? Begin your journey with our curriculum to grow your investing knowledge and skill set. Or contact us directly to schedule a consultation. We’re excited to help you on this journey to change your life.